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Rabbi Shaanan Gelman

Rabbi Shaanan Gelman was born in Buffalo, NY and grew up in the Bronx.  He earned a B.S. in Computer Science at Yeshiva College and Semicha from Yeshiva University’s Rabbi Isaac Elchanon Theological Seminary.  He spent three years studying in Israel, two at Yeshivat Hakotel and later on at the Gruss Institute in Bayit Vegan.  He was a Kollel Fellow in the Boca Raton Community Kollel, where he served as spiritual leader of the Explanatory Service as well as held the Gimmelstob chair in Education at the local Jewish Federation.  Rabbi Gelman is a member of the Rabbinical Council of America, and serves on the executive board. He is an active member of the Chicago Rabbinical Council as well as serving on the board of the Associated Talmud Torahs of Chicago.  Rabbi Gelman is a fervent Zionist and is active in AIPAC and has conducted a number of campaigns on behalf of our brethren in Israel, including a solidarity mission to Israel. 


Since his arrival as the Rabbi of our shul, Chovevei Tzion has witnessed significant growth – from approximately 60 to 130 families.   Together with his Rebetzin, Tziporah, the Gelman’s are a powerful team providing for the spiritual as well as emotional needs of our community.  They have five children, Zerachya, Avraham, Dalia, Shalom and Adir.



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