Rabbi Asher Brander
In 2002, Rabbi Asher Brander identified a need in West Los Angeles to create a powerhouse of Torah – one that would be as indispensable to searching, secular Jews as to those observant for many years. Thus, the Los Angeles Intercommunity Kollel with its manifold objectives was born.
Since its inception nearly 6 years ago LINK has touched hundreds of lives, and has made an indelible impression upon the landscape of the Los Angeles Jewish community. LINK is dedicated to creating a true Makom Torah which will serve as a beacon of light emanating from Los Angeles. In addition, we are committed to heightening Jewish pride and identity through a large number of creative programs and educational initiatives.
Our mission is to help interested Jews become observant and Baalei Teshuva become Bnai Torah. Whether one is reform, conservative, orthodox, unaffiliated or somewhere in between, LINK is their most vibrant source for Jewish learning.
From our multi part crash courses in Hebrew reading, Mysticism, and Jewish Life to our Advanced Gemara track which takes place in an intense Beis Medrash atmosphere, we teach and lecture on spiritual and intellectual topic areas that span the gamut of Jewish interest. The daily star in the LINK firmament is the pre-sunrise Gemara workshop, “Gemara In Your Kup”. Every morning of the week there are 15-18 men (from teens to middle age) who develop Talmudic learning skills so that they can taste the thrill and excitement of Gemara study, rather than being dependant on translations for the rest of their lives.
From around the world LINK has brought together scores of accomplished Rabbis, teachers, and administrators who have lent the products of their many years of educational and training to invigorating Jewish LA.
By offering stimulating classes, provocative discussions, holiday celebrations and weekend retreats LINK gives its participants the tools to connect timeless Jewish wisdom and traditions with modern life.
All in all, LINK’s activities have vindicated Rabbi Brander’s audacious dream – one neshomah at a time.
We are located at 1453 S Robertson Blvd. Come in, come investigate, listen to a class or just say hello.
We are here for YOU!