Rabbi Rael Blumenthal

Boca Raton Synagogue is proud to welcome Rabbi Rael Blumenthal as Rabbi of BRS West. In addition to being a member of the BRS Rabbinic team with a focus on growing BRS West, Rabbi Blumenthal will be a faculty member at Yeshiva High School.
Rabbi and Rebbetzin Blumenthal come to BRS with great enthusiasm and excitement, and are eager to hit the ground running.
If you would like to be in touch with Rabbi Blumenthal, please contact him at rrb@brsonline.org or on his cell phone at (561) 909-0234.
Rabbi Blumenthal was born and raised in South Africa and studied for 3 years in Yeshivat Kerem B’Yavneh. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science from Yeshiva University. He completed his Rabbinic studies at RIETS while studying in Rabbi Hershel Schachter’s Kollel.
Aliza Blumenthal completed her BA in psychology at Stern College for Women, and then went on to receive her Master’s in Social Work from Hunter College in NYC.
The Blumenthals have two children, Ayelet (3), and Dovi (7 mo), who are excited to move to warmer weather.